Research fields and professional interest:
Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan history, Tibetan literature, Himalayan religious practices, rituals, ritual texts, pilgrimage, Asian performing arts
Specific research topics:
Teaching lineages of the Nyingma and Kagyu schools, history of Buddhism in the Himalayan region, gter ma tradition, hidden lands (beyul), Buddhist eschatology, Hyolmo culture
2017 Ashoka Grant by Khyentse Foundation
2012 Fieldwork in Hyolmo, Nepal supported by the IK for Himalayan Cultural Transfer, University of Vienna
2011 Fieldwork in Hyolmo, Nepal supported by the IK for Himalayan Cultural Transfer, University of Vienna
2005-2006 Colloquial Tibetan course at the Majushree Institute, Darjeeling, India supported by the Dharma Gate Buddhist College
2003 Three month research grant supported by the Hungarian Scholarship Commission and the Indian University Grant Commission at Benares Hindu University and the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala
1993 One semester in Vienna at the Institut für Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde supported by the Peregrinatio II. Foundation
1992 A three month scholarship in Mongolia supported by the Hungarian Ministry of Education